The ground was too polluted they said...
The backyard too small, too dark...
My apathy too great...
My work ethic suspect...
My charm too intoxicating...
My color palette too predictable...
I'll show them, I'll show them all..... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Oh shit.
I've gone mad with power
I was so excited to eat my baby zucchini I was shaking.
Look at the pretty stones KP put in. Can't spell teamwork without "Hey Jon, I put nice stones in the garden to make it prettier."
You can't.

Who's looking dumb now spinach?
Hint: You are the one who looks dumb.
(this is my mad scientist post)

(every blogger is allowed one)
(and since most blogs are self-aggrandizing, mindless philosophical garbage I get two)
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