Monday, July 13, 2009

I don't care what race my future wife is...

we are having asian children.

Non-negotiable term.

How do you make a pretty garden prettier?

Easy.  Dollarama decorations.

This is getting ridiculous...

...Not how quickly the zucchini is growing.  This is a FRUIT bowl.

Jalepeno #1 is tucked away in the corner.  But...

I even found green pepper #3 hidden under Cherry Tomato #3.  It's grown exponentially.

I promise I will name them soon.

My Pretty Garden - July 13th, 2009

...and as per your request: More naked pictures of me.

This is a pretty flattering one...

you didn't think I would do this whole "Gardening thing"
 sober did you?


  1. Nice nipple mounds. Ps Can I buy some zucchini?

  2. The stones make it look like a cemetery. Nice.
