So my landlord's contractor ripped out my garden.
Out of nowhere.
Pretty stupid, right?
Those weeds look like eggplant, weird?

Well these tomatoes are small, they're not growing.
Now to sit and relax and find out what the hell we just pulled out.
One last time.
"Prince Machiavelli himself couldn't have orchestrated a more murderous coup!"

This happened Saturday and I'm still unbelievably furious.
(and unconsolable)(obviously)
Typing this out reminds how dumb and inconsiderate most people are.
This is why most people don't like people.
They are not anti-social.
They just loss hope in the chance that most people are
well-adjusted, logical, considerate and generally good people.
There are so few.
I will keep you all posted on what my next steps are.
And trust me, I'm on it.
But also making a movie. So gimme timme.
Please feel free to comment about how this makes you feel.
Let it out, you'll feel better.
All that aside I got a pretty kitty cat.
Don't tell me to blog about it.
Too soon.