Thursday, May 19, 2011

I don’t want to brag but….

(that’s exactly what ppl say before starting to brag)

The garden is doing some really neat things.

*also don’t want to brag cause I stole that joke from a comedian, a female comedian.

Nothing looks new from the wide shot.
That's what she said.

This is my greed garden (right). it is based on the assumption
that plants do not need light or soil-based nutrients.
We'll see.
(fingers crossed)

Am I suppose to put the text before or after the image?
Is this the right spot for this question? and this one?
(sung to the tune of Moesha's theme song)

onions MOUNT UP.
(sung to the tune Regulators when they say, "Regulators!!! Mount up.")
It was a clear black night, a clear white moon...

Sunflower seed sprouting. Ain't no thang...
...But 4 of them?
that is a thang.
I've been eating this...
Despite how well it photographs.
and this one? If you paid by the focus this lens would be so cheap.
Bro-co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co-co-li (sung to the Arcade Fire tune Rococo)
Unbelievably pathetic how long it took me to count the right amount of Co's.
pretty sure I'm wrong too.
Gotta be honest.

Cause, like I said, I don't want to brag...

1 comment:

  1. all i got is a square of dirt dug up and my brother maybe renting a roto-tiller? i've got seeds and little seed starters, but haven't planted them yet. Too late? or too lazy?
